Im sleeping soundly after collasping at 9:45pm from pure exhaustion. Finally, a good nights sleep! The phone rings. It's a 917 number. Im thinking its Jeramy. I dont want to answer it, but I decide to wait and see if he leaves a voicemail. Im annoyed. I feel suddenly awake and I know that when I finally get back to sleep im going to wake up groggy. The little red light blinks. "New Voicemail" says the green glowing screen. Please enter your passcode...
Hey Lisa, this is Domenic. I hope you arent mad at me. I left on tour with my band and we have been out ofr several weeks. I JUST found you number. PLEASE call me tomorow at this number. PLease. Im leaving to go to Ohio, but Ill be back on Saturday. I really hope you arent pissed.
OMG! What the heck. Is this like call lisa once a month for a date? and then go one one...promise another and stand her up? This would be the third time this happened if I went through with this. I toss the phone down. What the hell?....
I turn over. I think. I try not to think. The phone reings AGAIN! Same number. I dont answer it. Red light blinks. "NEw Voicemail"
Hi Lisa, this is Domenic. I called you 5 minutes ago. PLEASE CALL ME TOMORROW...please call...please me...please.
push 9 to save.
im tired. the alarm went off at 6:30. I barely made it out of bed. I missed the bus. Got to work in time to write. The other assistants are going to the warehouse today to check on damaged stock. Ill be swamped till 5pm with their work.