Nekomimi Lisa (lisagoddess) wrote,
Nekomimi Lisa

On this beautiful weekend at the end of March, I appear to be developing bronchitis. I am more and more unable to sleep, so it looks like a Dr. Appointment is an order. Unfortunately, the last place I want to go is the dr. I'm just one of those people who put it off and off until I am almost dead. I hate waiting in the reception room. I hate the overbearing or too-lenient med techs. I hate waiting in the chilly room for the Dr to finally come and either go home and take a chill pill, or (on the other side of things) give me lots of antibiotics without a single test. oh and dont forget the $15 co-pay for such excellent service. Seems like nothing. I do feel blessed to have health insurance, but for once I;d like to feel like the Dr earned my $15 plus the $10000000 my insurance forked over.

In the meantime, I have a couple projects I am behind on because I have been feeling to poorly to do much except come home from work and flop and pray for the end. I'm going to try and get cracking on that today....except James just bought Xenosaga on his credit card (BAD JAMES!!!!), and is forcing me to play with him in a few minutes. What I mean by force is that I asked him to not play unless I can watch, because I want to see the he started playing just now from his save point, and will continue on with or without me when he gets to the place where he died last night . MEAN! I'll tell you.

Xenosaga, while quite gray in the traditional sense of the Japanese story, is MUCH better than .hack. Xenosaga does incorporate SO many RPG's into the storyline, however, down to the girl in the Brass Castle (Suikoden) banging on her barrel (which we find out is a robot). Printed test is the same font as FF X. Email component quite reminecient of .hack. Little things like that. Ok James is bothering me to go, so im going.

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