Needless to say, I didnt swim my normal schedule this week (missed Tuesday and Thursday morning 6:45am-8am) I needed the sleep though, and the chance to just REST. Gotta figure out when to put in the make-up practices. I feel like a complete slacker, even though I was sick and all. Swimming addiction. Ive definately lost some weight in the first week alone. My cheeks have shadows and my pants are starting not to fit again. Oh well. I eat a ton too. James even commented that I was eating as much as him. I just cant get enough pasta and rice.
In other news, I was informed my Yahoo! Mail this morning that my "blocked address book" was filled...but I could buy their new super email package, or whatever it is. Not that blocking spam is effective, but i think it's a crime to charge people for just wanting to attempt to block the spam. And reporting it is worth shit. Some intern is drinking a coke and laughing at the subject lines before heading off to lunch, or something. Raaa!
The Physics Project performance is on Sunday. My end is working, but my comrade in Australia is still struggling with a camera that is not recognized by NetMeeting. Fun stuff. 3 days and counting. Can Curious and I help him though his issues, or will the broadcast be only one way? Stress. STTRESSS. no wonder im sick!