I have to pee, but Im waiting for James to call, and I dont want to miss it. I know that as soon as I get up to take care of business, he'll call.
There is a new headline on Yahoo! right now that states a high-carb diet is linked to weight loss. I dont understand why people dont get it: burn more than you eat, and you lose weight. Take in more than you burn, and you gain weight. It does not matter WHAT you eat, and long as it's less than what you burn. (Of course, it does matter in terms of nutrition...Atkins seems to forget that, as they advertise with peanutbuttercup.jpg next to the promising text....but nutrition is a whole different [important] thing.) Sorry to rant. rah rah rah.
I try to be very encouraging of the swimmers in the slower lanes. At least they show up to practice and do laps and want to improve. They know they are slow, but come to practice at 6:30am stay healthy and fit. I love the fact that our team has such a diverse group. Some people are training for meets, and some are just training. It's all good either way.
OK, no more stalling. Time to mail an envelope.