Nekomimi Lisa (lisagoddess) wrote,
Nekomimi Lisa

i dont really want to know anything more about the brain. nothing. not about pontine nuclei (which relay the motor plan from the cerebral cortex to the cerebellum), the substantia nigra (which if not working properly cause parkinsons), or even the projection tracks in the cerebrum (which, if you MUST know, connect other parts of the brain to the cerebrum)

I still dont feel like I know enough for the test on Wed. Im leaving in 1/2 an hour to head over to D.'s place for the rest of the weekend. Im taking all my brain notes with me though, and my muscle flashcards. We're supposed to go to a bike race tomorrow, but I have a feeling I can slide some studying in there somewhere. Maybe on the train to Jersey. Im good like that. Maybe some Shiatsu practice too. But not on the train to Jersey.

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