Nekomimi Lisa (lisagoddess) wrote,
Nekomimi Lisa

back to warmth

Oooo!! its freezing out! Good thing I have some "Neoguri Seafood and Spicy Udon Soup!"
I just returned from what was to be an apartment checkup..but i couldnt even get in through the front door. Good to know when I actually come back with all my stuff!! I called the landlord and tried to explain to him that I will call him a day before we arrive so that he can make sure we can get in...not sure if he understood.

looks like im living in the semi-ghetto. guess ill know better on the next hunt. im not IN the ghetto, but near it. also near pratt. all depend on which direction I walk in. and WALK is the word. I managed to pick the exact spot that is far in any direction any subway. mmm, busses...
i hate busses. oh well.

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