I've decided that I have one play day per week. That means that either on Friday or Saturday night I can go out. but not both. This week alone, I have about 150 pages of reading. And I don't even have session reports yet! No sleep will be had, and I think swimming is going to be difficult to squeeze in. Sucks, but it's only for 3 months. I'll deal. Plus, all this clinical stuff Im learning now is so damn interesting. I've been ready to study this since Myology. Waiting. Impatiently. Now, I have to absorb about a billion muscle and structural tests. fun fun. really.
Anyway, back to my point. 1 play day = 1 play day spent with D. I'm going to have to try and do dinner with D + friend to see anyone until Christmas.
Well, my morning break is about over. I have lots of studying lined up for lunch.