Nekomimi Lisa (lisagoddess) wrote,
Nekomimi Lisa

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Class was great last night. I spent about 45 minutes searching for trigger points in the sereratus posterior superior of a classmate. I sure did find some taut bands, but I'm not sure about the trigger points. She indicated that she had lower back pain, but not only did the thoracic region hyperemia upon diagnostic compression, but working the thoracic took care of the lower back. Apparently, lower back pain can sometime be caused by trigger points in the erector spinae referencing down to that area. But, I don't think that's it. I need a good trigger point map. Should be getting one as a hand-out next week.

I've decided that I have one play day per week. That means that either on Friday or Saturday night I can go out. but not both. This week alone, I have about 150 pages of reading. And I don't even have session reports yet! No sleep will be had, and I think swimming is going to be difficult to squeeze in. Sucks, but it's only for 3 months. I'll deal. Plus, all this clinical stuff Im learning now is so damn interesting. I've been ready to study this since Myology. Waiting. Impatiently. Now, I have to absorb about a billion muscle and structural tests. fun fun. really.

Anyway, back to my point. 1 play day = 1 play day spent with D. I'm going to have to try and do dinner with D + friend to see anyone until Christmas.

Well, my morning break is about over. I have lots of studying lined up for lunch.

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