Nekomimi Lisa (lisagoddess) wrote,
Nekomimi Lisa

chips and superbowl

i cant play pinball worth crap..
this is my comment after Wil tells me he played pinball all friday night at "The Cock".
No way. Cenitipede much better. ye syes

im eating chips before this superbowl party. i have had plans for a few days to hang out with wil and his friends and finally im here. its so good to be back with my old new york buddies. You will see more of Wil...he is an intregal part of the new project. so, dont forget that name. :)

yeah, i get fed at the superbowl party! we used our last paper money today to pay for a loaf of bread and a stack of corn tortillas, both to be used in some combimnations of oil and eggs to make some fatty carbo=ey sort of substinence.
i cant spell worth shit.
my head is a little out there right now, so forgive my abrupt thought jumps. i have Kid A playing loudly in the background. we are at this loft Apt in queens. all cement and brick with curly red couches and strange gigantic pictures of teeth and women ion the walls. orange christmas lights and beds hidden by potted trees.

wil puts on a sweater and jeramy talks of his life after he was kidnapped to Cali. Wil is from San there is some bonding going on.

I think Jeramy is happy to be here with me. HAppier to meet more people.

kiss..go giants!

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