dave is still sleeping. ive been up since 6:30. I needed to finish up a bio that's going to go on the Brooklyn Acupuncture website (still in progress and not up yet). I also need some headshots. I took some this morning with rearranged morning hair. im going to edit them and see what i can get away with before a shower. i might have to suck it up and wash and then retake if they look really bad.
Im going to make Dave (and me!) some modified eggs benedict for breakfast- a recipe im stealing from a local brunch place.
Toast a whole wheat english muffin. Spread on a layer of fresh guacamole. Top with an over easy/medium egg and drizzle with hollandaise sauce. compliment with a side of purple grapes. Enjoy with a cup of tea or coffee and some orange juice. Dave is spoiled, but thats how i like to keep him. Especially since he is my shopping-taxi today. tee hee. (must find strength to deal with malls on the weekend.)