(All freestyle)
4 x 100m build (getting faster within each 100)
2 x 200m pull
400m swim
2 x 200m pull
4 x 100m descend (each 100m faster than the last)
I asked the new coach this morning to help me with my freestyle stroke cause it feels all off. He gave me some helpful advice that will work my lats a little more. Even as a coach, it's tough to tell exactly what you're doing in the water. I have an image, but it's proly not what Im physically doing. Anyway, swimming is such a skill intensive sport, so there is always something to work on.
I dont think I did more than 2800m this morning, which is baby stuff, but Im pooped. My eyes are closing and my body is demanding in a nap. It's getting peanut butter toast instead!