As promised by certain individuals in the chatroom, the bugs have say the least. After a pasta dinner at the family home -- complete with old folks, long lost cousins, screaming kids and 1 obedient golden retriever-- we headed back to the B&B for a desserts reception. Although I'd consumed way more than a serving size of cake batter flavor ice cream in Portland, I filled my plate with fruit and cookies and a small sliver of blueberry cheesecake. People started drifting out of the warm main space inside to gather around the picnic table on the deck. I was one of the last to move. I was tired. I had tasty sugar in my hands. I was lazy. But finally convinced by Dave's dad, I grabbed a decaf and walked back to the porch. I returned inside in less than 3 minutes. I am a bug magnet. It's just the way it goes. We were sitting around citronella candles and I even had a "bug button" attached the the front thigh of my pants. Mosquitoes were laughing at me. It was all a big joke to them. My blood is sweet and in those 3 minutes outside, they got me twice on the arm, once on the shoulder and twice again on the ankles. Grrrr.
This morning we stuffed outselves with french toast, fruit salad, and tea. We're headed out to some falls that we were told about and perhaps the farmer's market. Dave wants to hike and do some mini-golfing. If I can webcast, I will. It just depends. I still have no bars on my cell, but as soon as I do, i'll upload some pictures as suppliment to the brief text here.
One of Dave's older relatives has a plane and he invited me to come flying with him later today. This may or may not pan out, depending on weather and such. Im trying to convince Dave to let me webcast it...even tho I was told no webcasting around the family. Maybe I can just say that Im filming..after all, it will all be archived and "filmed" anyway, right? I will try. No promises. And anyway, Im super scared of small aircraft.
We're off. time to explore. and time's a-wastin'! :)