Nekomimi Lisa (lisagoddess) wrote,
Nekomimi Lisa


im so bored. i have 40 minutes until I can leave and go to this dinner thing. The fall season makes me so restless. I can never concentrate. The elements and planets must be aligned, conspiring to throw me off course.

There are 2 meetings still going on, so I have to remain at my post. Just in case someone needs a quick coffee, or water..or kick in the wait. I couldnt do that last part. im too lethargic.

Pretty much after 4pm resistance to slacking is futile. it's borgish in it's intensity. I need a nap, a long break...a run around the block. something. Give me a morning, any morning, and I'll seem more like a robot than a girl. But after 4, i turn into the napping neko. and waste everyone's time and money. oh well.

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