Nekomimi Lisa (lisagoddess) wrote,
Nekomimi Lisa

the week ahead

while scanning can certainly be brain-numbing, it also gives me ample time to zone off and think and plan and organize.

Ive have a lot to do before felix arrives on Tuesday. Mostly cat related. I got the allerpet and the fabric dander blaster (well, it breaks down that feline protein allergen in da kitty spit--and you can spray on on mattresses and sofas and blankets and things). im going to do some major dusting this weekend so theres time for things to settle out of the air. and vacuuming. set up the air purifiers, washing all the sheets and sofa blankets in HOT water again on Monday night. and allerpet the cats, once tonight and once in the morning on tuesday. then a couple hours before he comes over, at lunch, ask that he take a claritin. and that, my friends, is all i can do for the cat-allergic felix. let's all wish him luck. wish wish luck luck.

Thank yous:
Jim, Chriscard, Randee - awesome and wonderful xmas cards :)
Nachoralph - a fun looking sushi kit that ill be trying out VERY soon with ears, of course! :)
Spookygrl - books from my amazon list. yay!! :)
Mdsl4 - psychological studies on BDSM compiled into 1 fabulous read. good for train! :)

Did I forget someone? my brain is like a goldfish sometimes. I have not been to the PO box since 12/24. Cant go today because no other admins are in and I have to watch the phones. I'll see about getting over on the 31st, in case anyone is missing here!!

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