Nekomimi Lisa (lisagoddess) wrote,
Nekomimi Lisa


I still think she is being righteous and demeaning. No specific organizations named. and spelling out what she feels my past cat issues were and indicating I might not really be attached to him like her receptionist to her 10 freakin cats! arg. and on top of it reminding me how hard it will be to adopt out KT. no fucking shit. and no fucking shit i feel guilty. but im not defensive. im just trying to make her see that bad things happen to good people and good cats. there's no justification. only action to make the best of the situation.

at least she explained her aggressions. im sure we would all get along in another life. she did give me the tel# to the adoptions center, but at this point, i may be better off looking elsewhere.

"I did make a suggestion to you, you can find many rescue organizations online, I’m sure there are many in the tri-state area, and if not your next alternative would be a no kill shelter. I’m not being righteous about this, and my responses are not without basis, you are giving up a cat for a job, especially a cat who is older, with some issues which will definitely make this adoption that much more difficult. This animal is your responsibility, and its extremely upsetting to see people give up that responsibility when they let things like a job/career become more important than this pet that they proclaim so much love for. And I do have an idea what it is to care for an animal with problems, and go through so many emotional ups and downs with them, I have 2 problem cats at home, with many more problems than most people could handle, and I wouldn’t give them up for any job or any housing that doesn’t allow pets. One of our receptionists here spent thousands of dollars and went through a several year process of fighting her landlord to keep all 10!! of her cats because she wouldn’t dream of giving up even 1 of them. So forgive me for not being able to identify or sympathize with someone who will take a job which provides housing that doesn’t allow animals, I would find alternate housing. You’re very defensive because you’re trying very hard to justify what you are doing due of your own guilt, and there’s just no justification.

I’m sure you did go back and forth making your decision, and I’m sorry that your priority lies more with your career and the wrong decision was made.

I truly hope that you can find someone great for him, or a really good rescue. You feel as though I’m berating you, but my only concern is for your cat, so I feel very strongly about this. I can give you the # of our rescue person that we adopt cats from. She may not be able to take your kitty, but maybe she knows of another rescuer who can and can steer you that way."
Tags: kt

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