Nekomimi Lisa (lisagoddess) wrote,
Nekomimi Lisa

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I walked around Akihabara by myself today after lunch with a new friend, Toshi. Whenever I mention Akihabara to anyone, of course, the stabbing comes up. And as I always reply- its just about timing. Being in the wrong place at the wrong time. Stabbings, planes flying into buildings, cranes falling, suicide attacks. All that. Tragedy YES. Sad YES. --but we can't let it get to us, or the fear has won. We must go on living and exploring (altho, I don't dance for fate under random cranes!)

And anyway, it was packed there! tons of people wandering in an out of toy stores and comic shops. Store associates yelling out to the sweating masses on the street. (Lemme tell you, i was MELTING in the July sun today!) I hope the broadcast survived long enough to get me back to the JR station least. To set up, I stepped into a phone booth. I felt like a stealth character from hackers as I noted the ISDN availability on the public phone. hah. Im not sure if people were looking or not, but I didn't care about anything except setting up the webcast ASAP so I could get out of that phone booth! Sun beating down and NO airflow! Phew! I pointed the cam around at people and the stores. Lots of flishy flashy, but probably best experienced at night. I love Tokyo at night. It's the best time. And Im so happy that I work until it gets dark, even in summer. It's nice to leave work and enjoy the scenery. But yeah...I didnt go into any of the maid coffee shops, or any of the dept stores. I like to walk around by myself, but then I like to do actual activities with others. I almost plopped into a nicely AC-ed Excelsior coffee, but there was no electrical plug-in, so it wasn't worth the Y350 for an iced coffee and computer failure.

today was a happy day. Toshi is really nice, and we had fun stalking poor Yuta at work for a few minutes while we ate lunch. I don't have any plans tonight. Just dinner at home, Japanese study, and into bed earlier than usual. I have to be ready to go at 10am when I call into ECC headquarters for my sub duties. Kids classes don't start until next week, so Im kinda on call this Saturday. I'll either lounge until 10:30 and pop off for stay time (sitting around), or run outta here right at 10am to cover someone's shift. I have a couple of different offers for things to do tomorrow evening. Not really sure what's up, but I'll let you know when I do! I have Sunday off as well.

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