Nekomimi Lisa (lisagoddess) wrote,
Nekomimi Lisa


well, not really. i decided to get one of those prepackaged california rolls, like you can find all the over the place here in NYC. and a banana. i also waited for 20 minutes while the customer service rep with keys, at Staples, decided to come unlock the zip disc cabinet so i could purchase those 100mb zip discs i was talking about. i have three now, so ill be doing some mad copying, before Domenic gets his ass into my time tonight. this is sorta a bad night for a date, cause id rather work on the project, but i suppose i should have some real social interaction tonight. (as if ive been deprived of it, or something)
i picked up some crackers and smoked gouda and salty peas too. i dont think hes going to be into it, but if not, i love the stuff, and ill eat it. i guess ill get some wine too. in any case, we'll proly end up ordering chinese. im sorta craving eastern food today.

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