Nekomimi Lisa (lisagoddess) wrote,
Nekomimi Lisa

as you proly noticed, the site is still there and there are no new movies. that would be because when i went to RMD to upload everythingon saturday, noone was there...
however, i do have a 98% of uploading it today. in fact, i MUST upload it today, or else im going to go CRAZY. this is nuts to carry my site around in my bag on a zip disc for days. what if i got mugged? ok, i guess it IS on my hard-drive, but still...
i have 3 minutes until i must work. one of my bosses is leaving :( to go back to Japan, in a month. My best friend Tim is moving into the city on the 15th. My friend Kyle is here now, Alice will be here soon..HAsan was a weenie and didnt come out to play on saturday, and left me alone to an attempted seduction by an old friend (See videos to be posted later)
ok, i have to get to work. more decaf is an order...

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