i was at RMD last night, which is why i was able to upload a few of the movies i worked on over the past week. Frank asked for his camera back. so, ill be taping as much as possible the next few days and then ill have to give it up!!:(
i will be cameraless once again.
with all the stuff on my wishlist (amazon etc) the thing i want the most is a sony digital camera (which is not on the wishlist). oh., its only 1500$.....
i was looking at those cannons for 699 and 799, but the reviews on them are not so good, and i need the night shot. i love that effect.
but, i have to move out first. so...
ill see how long I can stall on the return of the analog sony im borrowing..but i dont wanna be an asshole, so ill proly be cameraless in a week. :(
i guess i can concentrate on my photos and i have some new ideas with them too.
ah the struggle. gotta love it.
im wearing pigtails again today.
ive been putting my hair in pigtails every day when i get home. i hate it down. it looks terrible. hair is to be short short on me or tied up as tightly as possible. i cant do that mane waving in the wind thing.
i think im going to gove Bob a call tonight. i need some drinks. i need some new people. at least if i cant physically go out on vacation, maybe i can numb my brain into thinking its elsewhere. hmmm 8 hours till the weekend!!
and for my final trick,
i need man with a good tatoo
there was a boy on the train this morning who was looking good with some intricate tatoos on his arms..not dumb ones, like a name or some random bad art..
but this really beautiful dragon motif. i immediatly fell in love.
i need to stop that.